At this moment, April 2007, the video analyses of about sixty parabolas have already been completed and now we’re very busy converting them into more workable data. It will take some more time before definitive conclusions can be expected.

In the meanwhile the concerned students have branched out to follow higher education. The choice of the kind of discipline at the college or university of some of them even has been influenced that special week or during the project.

On the whole our experiment has been very successful as far as we are concerned: no technical problems and well done measurements which correspond to the official ones. Don’t forget that we speak about high school students at the age of 18. This can bear repeating, I’d like to say. Estimating the value of the impact of this flight and the preparations to it is in our view impossible. The persons who came back from Bordeaux aren’t the same individuals anymore and this is especially noticeable in the positive meaning.

Let’s hope that in the future other students also get opportunities to experience something alike. We hope this contest will be organized again in the future so that still more students can be given scope to enjoy this unbelievable stimulus.

Anyway, thanks to all the people who made this possible as much for their equipment as for their finances as for their time and they are great in number.